
How to Program in C++ 怎样用C++编程



You may copy this file for noncommercial use. The latest version is located at cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/cse2050/how2cpp.html updated Sept. 26, 2005. Please report errors to Matt Mahoney at mmahoney@cs.fit.edu. Seldom-used features have been deliberately omitted.

Language Summary

Basic Concepts

Statements if, for, while, return, break...

Expressions arithmetic, comparison, assignment...

The most important types are int, char, bool, double, and the containers string, vector, and map. Summary of common types:

Built-in        Description
int x; Fastest integer type (16-32 bits), also short, long, unsigned
char x; 8-bit character, '\0' to '\xFF' or -128 to 127
double x; 64 bit real + or - 1.8e308, 14 significant digits, also float
bool x; true or false

Modifiers Description
const T x; Non-modifiable object
T& y=x; Reference, y is an alias for x, which both have type T
T f(...) {...} Defines f as a function returning T
T* p; Pointer to T (*p is a T object)
T[N] a; Array of N elements of T, a[0] to a[N-1]
static T x; Place x in data segment
register T x; (rare) Hint to optimize for speed
volatile T x; (rare) x may be modified externally
The following standard library types and functions require at the beginning of the program:
  #include <header>
using namespace std;

Library Type Description Header
istream Standard input (cin) iostream
ostream Output (cout, cerr, clog) iostream
ifstream Input file fstream
ofstream Output file fstream
string Sequence of char string
vector Expandable array/stack of T vector
deque Array/double ended queue deque
list List/stack/queue of T list
map Associative mapping of T1 to T2 map
set A map with keys only set
pair Two objects of type T1 and T2 map or utility
priority_queue Sorted queue queue
stack Stack stack
bitset Array of N bool with logical operations bitset
valarray Array with arithmetic operations valarray
complex Complex number complex
iterator Pointer into a container (Included with container)
const_iterator Pointer not allowing element assignment (Included with container)
exception Hierarchy of exception types stdexcept, exception

C++ Standard Library Functions Header
min(), max(), swap(), sort(), copy(), equal() algorithm
accumulate(), inner_product() numeric
back_inserter() iterator
equal_to(), less(), bind2nd() functional
set_new_handler() new

C Library Functions Header
atoi(), atof(), abs(), rand(), system(), exit() cstdlib
isalpha(), isdigit(), tolower(), toupper() cctype
sqrt(), log(), exp(), pow(), sin(), cos(), atan() cmath
clock(), time() ctime
strlen(), memset(), memmove(), memcmp() cstring
printf(), fopen(), getc(), perror() cstdio
assert() cassert

C++ allows you to create your own types and libraries. The most important type is a class, allowing object oriented programming. A class is an abstract data type with a hidden representation and a set of public member functions and types. Classes can be organized into a hierarchy (inheritance), and you can write code that accepts any type in this hierarchy (polymorphism). Functions and classes can be parameterized by type (templated).

class T {...};  Defines T as a collection of types, objects, and member functions
template ... Defines a set of functions or classes over all T
typedef T U; Defines type U is a synonym for T
enum T {...}; Defines T as an int, and set of int constants
struct T {...}; Like a class, except default scope of members is public
union T {...}; A struct with object members overlapping in memory
namespace N {...}; Defines a scope for a collection of types, objects, and functions

Program Organization (compiling, linking, make)
History of C++
Further Reading
